the time-traveling loveseat is a project I started when I realized my loveseat travels time. not into the past, only into the near future where early afternoons become late nights in the blink of an eye. this blog was started to use that time travel in a more productive way, with an emphasis on learning and practicing new, everyday design.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Branding & Identity

My roommate Brianna went to school for massage therapy, and has been graduated since May. She's expressed how she wants to have business cards and a website, so I thought I could help her out. Like most of my designs, I start out with basic sketches. I did these a long, long time ago, and I finally showed them to Bri. With her approval, I started to digitalize them.

I can't decide which I like best, or what colors might work. I love the W that I created, but it has to work for Bri. I like having the feedback of a client. 

Once we lock down a design, I'll be posting further with business cards and (fingers crossed) a website! Ahh, design. So satisfying.

1 comment:

  1. These are great!! When are you going to come work for me??

