the time-traveling loveseat is a project I started when I realized my loveseat travels time. not into the past, only into the near future where early afternoons become late nights in the blink of an eye. this blog was started to use that time travel in a more productive way, with an emphasis on learning and practicing new, everyday design.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

hey hey!

Two posts in two days, I'm feelin' good! This will also be a quick one, but it's something I've been working on for a little bit (so it feels good to be done). I'm part of an organization called Freedom By Design, which is a branch of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) that aims to help the community by applying our design skills to solve accessibility issues. Past projects include building and painting a ramp, building a deck, and fixing up a bathroom, all for people who have difficulties getting around in their everyday lives. Visiting this link will give you a little more idea of what we do in the community and opportunities to get involved. We hold bi-weekly meetings on Fridays at 12:15 in Rapson Hall, our first meeting of the semester being this Friday.

As an organization, we need to do serious fundraising to fund the supplies we need to help the community. We are having our 3rd Annual Art Auction this year, and as co-organizer, I have taken the initiative to advertise the event with new, catchier posters. It's not perfect, but I'm hoping it will catch some people's eyes! Stay tuned for more information on when the Art Auction will be, we would like a big turn out, and are even trying to get a liquor license to attract a few more people. :)

My new poster:

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